Crisis Plan
Because crisis situations can occur very quickly and when we least expect them, it is important to have a crisis plan prepared and ready to use. Your crisis plan should be developed by you and your loved one, together. You should include at least the following decisions and information:
- Whose help and participation you'll need
- What to do with any other loved ones or children in the house
- Step-by-step process to follow based on how severe the symptoms are
- One location where you will keep all the information you have about your loved one that can be accessed quickly
Relapse Plan
The final part of preparing for a crisis is developing a relapse plan. The symptoms of these conditions tend to reappear even if things have
gone well for months and nothing else seems to have changed. This reappearance of symptoms is called a relapse, and a relapse plan
helps you prepare for that experience.
A relapse plan is similar to a crisis plan in some ways. You develop it with your loved one, as much as possible,
and you decide on the steps you’ll
take if symptoms of the illness start to reappear, before they become serious.